Open AND affirming

I’ve had people ask me since Holly and I started telling people that we were together why we don’t still go to the church we used to go to in college.  For those of you who don’t know: that’s where we met.  Yes, gay lesbians.  I know, I know, such a shock!  Anyway.  It always seems like a simple enough answer in my head.  I always feel like I shouldn’t have to explain myself to people.  And sometimes it sucks.

I’ve recently began working in childcare at a church here in Manhattan, and the only one I know is affirming of LGBTQ+ individuals.

That’s where the inspiration for this post came from.  Any church in Manhattan can claim that they are open, and I do believe they are.  But, let’s just put a plot twist on things: say I walk into one of these churches holding Holly’s hand; it’s something we do often in public because hey, we’re in love, we’re getting married, get the picture?  I can already feel the stares I would get.  I can already anticipate how uncomfortable I would be.  I can already know how limited my interactions would be because I was holding a woman’s hand.

But I could walk into First Congregational United Church of Christ, the church I’ve been working at, holding my fiancée’s hand, and I would warmly be welcomed and asked to introduce her.  They’d ask me how long we’ve been together.  They’d ask what we do for a living.

And I’d like to think that maybe this would also happen at our old church, but even if it did, I can’t say that it would be followed up with genuine friendship.  Maybe a “hello” or a handshake here and there coming and going from church, but I’m pretty convinced that would be it.

And hey, maybe I’m a little far-fetched.  But in all reality, a lot of people would agree that this is somewhat spot on.  And I’m not ashamed to write a controversial post because I’m not afraid of who I love and the way I love and the person I am.

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